Endless Possibilities: SD67 High School Exhibition

May 17th – June 8th, 2024


This much-loved and highly anticipated annual exhibition serves as a vibrant celebration of the visual arts students from Princess Margaret, Penticton Secondary, and Summerland Secondary, highlighting the pivotal role of arts education within our schools. Spanning a diverse spectrum of mediums, this exhibition offers invaluable insight into the lives, interests, concerns, and worldview of the students whose work is featured each year.

Each artwork featured serves as a testament to the unique perspectives and voices of these young artists, showcasing the profound impact of art as a form of communication and self-expression. Behind every piece lies the dedication and passion of both students and teachers, who have invested countless hours throughout the year honing their craft. This exhibition provides a unique window into their creativity and allows viewers to connect with the stories and experiences behind each piece of art, fostering a deeper appreciation for the students' perspectives and artistic journeys.

I commend each of the three respective teachers who have encouraged and inspired their students to explore and embrace their creativity, fostering a greater sense of connection among themselves and enriching their understanding of the world. Exhibitions such as these serve as a testament to the transformative power and importance of the arts in our education system. They highlight the profound impact of nurturing creativity and artistic expression, not only in shaping students' educational experiences but also in cultivating empathy, collaboration, and a deeper appreciation for diverse perspectives.

Through their dedication and guidance, these teachers have empowered students to explore their artistic potential while also demonstrating how everyone can contribute meaningfully to the cultural fabric of our community. Their mentorship goes beyond technical skills, instilling in students a sense of purpose and confidence in their creative abilities. This collective effort not only enriches the artistic landscape but also strengthens the bonds within our community, fostering a culture of creativity and collaboration.

Over the course of the academic year, these students have not only embraced their imagination and creativity, but they have also honed their technical skills, the fruits of which are beautifully represented in this impressive exhibition. I am always impressed by the breadth and quality of the work featured each year, and I wholeheartedly congratulate each of the participating artists for their openness and trust in sharing their artwork.

Each of the participating students has been empowered through their art to authentically express themselves, nurturing essential qualities such as communication, critical thinking, authenticity, and self-reflection. I hope this exhibition will inspire us all to embrace the beauty of more creativity in our lives, encouraging us to explore new avenues of self-expression and appreciation for the arts.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to Brad Gibson, Aleita Lloyd, and Shauna Reid for creating a safe and inclusive space for students to explore their creativity and express themselves. Teachers like you play a critical role in shaping the lives of your students, and it's truly inspiring to see the impact each of you has had on the students involved in this exhibition.

I also want to acknowledge the hard work and dedication of the participating students, who have entrusted their artwork to be displayed and shared with the community. It takes courage and vulnerability to put one's creative work on display, and these students should be immensely proud of their accomplishments and contributions to the arts community.

This important annual exhibition serves as a powerful reminder and testament to the significance of arts programming in the education system and the profound impact it can have on students' personal and creative development. It underscores the invaluable role of educators in nurturing creativity and fostering self-expression, while also shining a spotlight on the courage and talent of the students whose work contributes to the vibrancy of our community. Together, they embody the transformative potential of the arts in shaping individuals and enriching our society as a whole. ◆

Princess Margaret Secondary

Department Head - Fine Arts: Brad Gibson

I am sitting looking at pictures I have taken of the various student work that has been created this 2023/2024 school year in the Maggie Visual Art Program. The title for this year’s show is in my opinion, a very fitting one. When I think of the “Endless Possibilities” for projects that I can challenge my students with, the sheer number of photos of work I have for this year’s show make it very challenging to consider what needs to be shown. I am always so proud of the work my students take on. If I could, I would put it all on the walls, as I see every piece being so special in its own unique way. I encourage my students to remember how important it is to enjoy the process, and journey it takes to create an authentic piece of art. These photos are a reminder of how important it is to develop your hand-eye-brain coordination. The importance of considering how many kinds of subjects, and mediums there are to explore in this world. I also believe the art room should be a safe space for any kind of person that want to push their art skills. I have put together a diverse amount of work for this year’s show. I hope you look at it as a reminder of how different we all are in this world. With 8.1 billion people currently living on this planet, there is no doubt an endless number of artists just waiting to be discovered.

Penticton Secondary

Fine Arts Teacher: Shauna Reid

In the realm of Art class, students embark on a journey of skill cultivation and self-assurance, transcending challenges with each artistic endeavor. Through active engagement and hands-on practice, they harness the power of creative cognition to decipher assigned tasks and glean inspiration from provided examples, ultimately producing original beautiful work. Amidst the fluid evolution of their projects, students engage in a perpetual cycle of evaluation and refinement, perpetually honing their craft in pursuit of excellence.

Undoubtedly, the Art programs within our educational institutions stand as bastions of holistic development, fostering not only technical proficiency but also nurturing the fertile grounds of imagination and critical thinking. This year, the students of Pen High Art have delved deep into the annals of art history, drawing inspiration from luminaries of the past, while also delving into the intimate tapestry of their own lives for subject matter. We warmly invite you to indulge in the carefully curated visual experience awaiting you.

Summerland Secondary

Fine Arts Teacher: Aleita Lloyd

This year has been a whirlwind with a lot on my plate as an instructor. Despite that, my students are, as always, gracious, and inspiring. I love the environment we create together in the SSS Art room and am so thankful to those that allow themselves to be vulnerable in their art. My goal for each year is to foster a love for creating, expressing, and communicating through visual art. The progress I see is so rewarding as an instructor. I try to create space for technical skill build projects as well as creative design and personal projects. There are usually a lot of different things happening at the same time which makes for an interesting and challenging juggling act as a teacher, but so worth it!

This year will see a number of my senior students move on into art degrees and careers. I am going miss their dedication to excellence and you will see some of their amazing work in the show. Look for their names in the future; they will be going places!


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