Exhibition archive
Meadowlark Nature FestivaL: Art of Anne-Marie Harvey
Discover the essence of spring and community through the annual Meadowlark Festival exhibition, a cherished event that celebrates art, nature, and partnership. Featuring renowned artists like Anne-Marie Harvey alongside a rich history of talent, the festival epitomizes the beauty of British Columbia's landscapes. Learn how artists are selected and explore Anne-Marie's journey from the northern wilderness to the vibrant Okanagan, where she finds inspiration in every brushstroke. Visit annemarieharvey.com for more about the artist and meadowlarkfestival.ca for details on the festival.
Natures Reverie - Annual Meadowlark Exhibition
This exhibition showcases Stephanie's deep connection to nature and her desire to capture its emotions through vibrant and whimsical paintings. Her artwork reflects the harmony between the natural world and ourselves, inviting viewers to explore the profound beauty that surrounds us. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in Stephanie Perry's extraordinary vision of nature's wonders. This exhibition in conjunction with the Meadowlark Nature Festival.
From a Bird’s Eye View
“’From a Bird’s eye view’ is about the beauty of the land, specifically the Okanagan region. This monumental beauty that surrounds us creates in me a strong feeling of gratefulness which in turn propels me to give back by sharing my vision in my work.” said Deselliers, describing her inspiration.