Exhibition archive
The Audacity Of Taking Up Space
In talking about the intent behind the exhibition Laurie writes, “Figurative art can be a form of claiming your space, whatever your space may be. Creating a presence - or even an absence of presence. The viewer is forced to acknowledge the presence of the figure, the person. Historically, artists like Alexandre Cabanel like to paint aesthetically pleasing things, and that is extended to the figures— hence, the “the male gaze”. Think of the many historical paintings in which the youthful woman is the focal subject, often for the rich, male patron of the artist. Contemporary figurative art has broken away from the powerful, the rich, the white man, or the beautiful, flawless maiden as a subject, but incorporating the contemporary world we live in, full of diversity. Black, Indigenous, Asian, queer, body positive and/or disabled figures are spotlighted.”
Drawing From the Margins
This exhibition aims to lift the veil and introduce you to the work of three incredible artists and activists, each of whom has had to overcome unimaginable challenges to be able to function within the confines of our increasingly unpredictable and ever-shifting landscape.